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The Power of Pay-Per-Click: Why Hire a Management Company?

PPC management, also known as pay-per-click management, is the process of organizing and managing a company’s PPC strategy and ad spend in order to optimize ROI. PPC campaign management allows your company to make strategic, data-driven decisions regarding your ad spend that improve your pay-per-click performance and ROI.


Most business invest in outsourcing their campaign management to PPC management companies, and in this blogpost we discuss some of the significant reasons why they do so.

The Advantage of Experience and Expertise


The greatest advantage of hiring a PPC campaign management company is that you also get the experience and expertise of their professionals. Given below are some key advantages of the service of such professionals:

• Extensive knowledge about numerous ad platforms
• Clear understanding of tried and tested campaign strategies
• History of successes in PPC campaign management
• Teams of professionals who work together to achieve campaign goals
• Access to all professionals related to every aspect of a PPC campaign
• Adept with the latest technological advancements in the marketing industry
• Up-to-date with the popular trends in pay per click advertising


Testing and Optimization of Landing Pages

The page or pages to which you direct your PPC traffic are critical to the campaign’s performance. If your landing page’s content isn’t correctly optimized, it will lower your quality score, resulting in lower ad positions and higher CPCs. Low conversion rates will come from a poorly designed landing page.


To ensure that the landing page is optimized, continuous testing, including split testing on numerous landing page variations need to be done. Professionals employed by pay per click management companies will run such tests and optimize your landing page round the clock. This means that they will look into the ad copy, the keywords, the negative keywords, the bidding strategy, and every other aspect of the campaign to ensure that not a penny spent goes to waste.


Save Hiring, Training and Infrastructure Costs

Now that you have a basic understanding of what pay per click management services include, it becomes obvious that it would entail a dedicated team of experts. To have such a team in-house would involve hiring, training and infrastructure costs as listed below.


Hiring costs – Not only would it be necessary to have trained recruiters to pick the right candidate, it is also necessary to make arrangements to conduct the process of recruitment (exams, interviews, etc.)


Training costs – Once preferred candidates are chosen to be a part of the PPC campaign management team, it is necessary to train them and teach them the ropes. Such training should be conducted periodically to ensure that the team stays abreast of the latest trends and technological advancements.


Infrastructure costs – When the PPC management team is housed within the company, they would require an appropriate work space. They would also require the right equipment to work with. These should be constantly upgraded so that the team works in the best conditions, with the best tools to successfully deliver PPC management services.





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